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Thursday 9 November 2017

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Did You Know

     Interesting facts about life and the world we live in.

  1. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. 
  2. Memories are worth more than money.
  3. Listening to music at high volumes makes a person calmer, happier and more relaxed.
  4. Generally, women care more in a relationship but are more likely to walk away and stay away once they reach breaking point.
  5. Two people who are depressed can help each other. It's because people are often better at giving advice than they are receiving it.
  6.  Read some inspirational quotes here :- click here
  7. As you breathe right now, another person takes his last. We suggest you to stop complaining, and learn to live your life with what you have.
  8. A morning text doesn't only mean "good morning". It also means "I think about you when I wake up."
  9. Banana is a happy fruit. Eating just one can help relieve irritable emotions, anger and or depression.
  10. In 1895 there were only 2 cars in the entire state of Ohio yet they still ended up crashing into each other.
  11. Laughter relieves anger, tension, and hostility by over 80%.
  12. Listening to your favorite song before bed can help you sleep better, wake up easier and enhance your mood for the upcoming day.
  13. Sometimes you've got to shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you’re wrong. It’s not giving up. It’s called growing up.
  14. Eat an orange before working out. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it also prevents your muscles from getting sore.
  15. Missing someone makes it harder to fall asleep at night.
  16. People usually don't notice the things you do for them until you stop doing those things.
  17. Anyone can apply to be a NASA astronaut — all you need are advanced degrees in biology, science, or math and 1000 hours of jet piloting.
  18. I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your head when you don't even understand it yourself.
  19. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
  20. Jurassic Park, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption were all in theatres at the same time in October of 1994.
  21. Eating bananas, pasta, almonds, grapes, oatmeal, chocolate, watermelon, orange juice, cornflakes, and tuna can help relieve stress.
  22. You can actually be addicted to cheese. When your body digests it, opiates are released, triggering the addictive element.
  23.  Whenever you're feeling down, remember, you're the sperm that won
  24. The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it. - George R.R. Martin.
  25. Breathing the air in Beijing has the same health risks as smoking 21 cigarettes a day.
  26.  The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
  27. Delete your browser cookies before you buy airline tickets. Ticket prices go up when you visit travel sites multiple times.
  28. Brown colored eyes are really blue, under a layer of melanin.
  29. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet.
  30. Lack of sleep can cause weight gain of 2 pounds (0.9 kg) in under a week.
  31. Research finds that kids who enjoy family meals have larger vocabularies, better manners, healthier diets, and higher self-esteem.
  32. Atelophobia is a condition that causes people to over think and obsess over the thought of not being good enough.
  33. Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else.
  34. According to a study, children are less likely to trust ugly people.
  35. A new study found that overall, Android users are more honest than iPhone users
  36. If you're talking with someone and you're not sure if they’re interested, fold your arms. If they do the same, they probably are.
  37. Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.
  38. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white.
  39. 95% of the time I don't know"" is just an excuse given by someone who is avoiding the truth."
  40. People spend too much time looking for more, instead of appreciating what they already have.
  41. Music can make you feel less pain.
  42. Less time separates us from Tyrannosaurus rex than separated Tyrannosaurus rex from Stegosaurus.
  43. Mosquito repellents don't repel, they hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you are there.
  44. We tend to prefer the original version of a song because we heard it first, not necessarily because it's better.
  45. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a 'Friday the 13th'.
  46. Be careful with your words, because once they've been said, they can only be forgiven; not forgotten.
  47. Going to the gym can increase your GPA.
  48. People are so quick to judge others faults, but never quick to point out their own.
  49. According to a study conducted by Harvard, atheists have a higher average IQ (119) than any other religious group of people.
  50. Psychology says, staying quiet doesn’t mean you've got nothing to say. It means you don’t think they're ready to hear your thoughts.

  •  According to researchers, couples that are either too similar or too different are not likely to last very long.
  • It has been medically proven that laughter is an effective pain killer.
  • Otters have a pouch in their fur to store their favorite rock.
  • If you don't do stupid things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old.
  • If you keep smelling something that is not really there, you may be experiencing the earliest symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.
  • No lemon, no melon. backwards is "No lemon, no melon".
  • Isaac Newton's "Principia Mathematica" contained a simple calculation error that went unnoticed for 300 years. A college student found it.
  • A fake friend likes to see you do good, but not better than them. Pay attention.
  • When the T-Rex breaks into the car in Jurassic Park, the children’s screams are real – it wasn’t supposed to break the glass.
  • Socially anxious people can lessen their anxiety by performing small acts of kindness, a study found.
  • Did you know your body is actually designed to get 4 hours of sleep twice per day instead of 8 hours once?
  • Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
  • A study has confirmed that British people have the world's sexiest accents.
  • Stop telling others about your problems. 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them
  • Biting on a pencil can help cure a headache.
  • At one point, Coca-Cola contained nearly nine milligrams of cocaine in each glass.
  • Do you ever feel bad about not feeling bad about something you should feel bad about?
  • A sunflower is actually a cluster of hundreds of flowers.
  • Don't listen or think about anything other people say about you. Just live your life and prove them wrong.
  • Respect people who find time in their schedule to see you. Love people who never look at their schedule when you need them.
  • If caught in a burning building, get low. The breathable air will be near the floor.
  • Stephen Hawking was told that he had two years to live by doctors back in 1963. He's still alive today.

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Answer Book,10001 Fast Facts About our World (First Edition,2016)

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